SoftEther Server and Manager on MacOS

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SoftEther Server and Manager on MacOS

Post by Tim » Tue Jul 18, 2023 3:27 am

Has anyone installed SoftEther VPN Server v4.42 on Mac Ventura? Please help.

It seemed the VPN server installation was successful and I could configure it and start it using command line(the VPN Server Manager cannot run on this Mac OS version). But I cannot just make it work. All the clients reported this error:

Code: Select all

The L2TP-VPN server did not respond. Try reconnecting. If the problem continues, verify your settings and contact your Administrator.
The configuration was like below. Thanks in advance.

Code: Select all

# Software Configuration File
# ---------------------------
# You may edit this file when the VPN Server / Client / Bridge program is not running.
# In prior to edit this file manually by your text editor,
# shutdown the VPN Server / Client / Bridge background service.
# Otherwise, all changes will be lost.
declare root
	uint ConfigRevision 17
	bool IPsecMessageDisplayed false
	string Region US
	bool VgsMessageDisplayed false

	declare DDnsClient
		bool Disabled false
		byte Key wuh0jRxzIHMtfesG0zemiJVmY9A=
		string LocalHostname TWs-MacBook-Pro
		string ProxyHostName $
		uint ProxyPort 0
		uint ProxyType 0
		string ProxyUsername $
	declare IPsec
		bool EtherIP_IPsec true
		string IPsec_Secret tim
		string L2TP_DefaultHub DEFAULT
		bool L2TP_IPsec true
		bool L2TP_Raw false

		declare EtherIP_IDSettingsList
			declare *
				byte EncryptedPassword mWLj
				string HubName DEFAULT
				string UserName tim
	declare ListenerList
		declare Listener0
			bool DisableDos false
			bool Enabled true
			uint Port 443
		declare Listener1
			bool DisableDos false
			bool Enabled true
			uint Port 992
		declare Listener2
			bool DisableDos false
			bool Enabled true
			uint Port 1194
		declare Listener3
			bool DisableDos false
			bool Enabled true
			uint Port 5555
	declare LocalBridgeList
		declare LocalBridge0
			string DeviceName Tim$20Star
			string HubName DEFAULT
			bool LimitBroadcast false
			bool MonitorMode false
			bool NoPromiscuousMode false
			bool TapMode false
		declare LocalBridge1
			string DeviceName en
			string HubName DEFAULT
			bool LimitBroadcast false
			bool MonitorMode false
			bool NoPromiscuousMode false
			bool TapMode false
		declare LocalBridge2
			string DeviceName en0
			string HubName DEFAULT
			bool LimitBroadcast false
			bool MonitorMode false
			bool NoPromiscuousMode false
			bool TapMode false
	declare ServerConfiguration
		bool AcceptOnlyTls true
		uint64 AutoDeleteCheckDiskFreeSpaceMin 104857600
		uint AutoDeleteCheckIntervalSecs 300
		uint AutoSaveConfigSpan 300
		bool BackupConfigOnlyWhenModified true
		string CipherName AES128-SHA
		uint CurrentBuild 9798
		bool DisableCoreDumpOnUnix false
		bool DisableDeadLockCheck false
		bool DisableDosProction false
		bool DisableGetHostNameWhenAcceptTcp false
		bool DisableIntelAesAcceleration false
		bool DisableIPsecAggressiveMode false
		bool DisableIPv6Listener false
		bool DisableJsonRpcWebApi false
		bool DisableNatTraversal false
		bool DisableOpenVPNServer false
		bool DisableSessionReconnect false
		bool DisableSSTPServer false
		bool DontBackupConfig false
		bool EnableVpnAzure false
		bool EnableVpnOverDns false
		bool EnableVpnOverIcmp false
		byte HashedPassword +t4joiEBZlgNYQq4Rb94P+vRT2M=
		string KeepConnectHost
		uint KeepConnectInterval 50
		uint KeepConnectPort 80
		uint KeepConnectProtocol 1
		uint64 LoggerMaxLogSize 1073741823
		uint MaxConcurrentDnsClientThreads 512
		uint MaxConnectionsPerIP 256
		uint MaxUnestablishedConnections 1000
		bool NoHighPriorityProcess false
		bool NoSendSignature false
		string OpenVPNDefaultClientOption dev-type$20tun,link-mtu$201500,tun-mtu$201500,cipher$20AES-128-CBC,auth$20SHA1,keysize$20128,key-method$202,tls-client
		string OpenVPN_UdpPortList 1194
		bool SaveDebugLog false
		byte ServerKey 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
		uint ServerLogSwitchType 4
		uint ServerType 0
		bool StrictSyslogDatetimeFormat false
		bool Tls_Disable1_0 false
		bool Tls_Disable1_1 false
		bool Tls_Disable1_2 false
		bool Tls_Disable1_3 false
		bool UseKeepConnect true
		bool UseWebTimePage false
		bool UseWebUI false

		declare GlobalParams
			uint FIFO_BUDGET 10240000
			uint IP_TABLE_EXPIRE_TIME 60000
			uint MAC_TABLE_EXPIRE_TIME 600000
			uint MAX_HUB_LINKS 1024
			uint MAX_IP_TABLES 65536
			uint MAX_MAC_TABLES 65536
			uint QUEUE_BUDGET 2048
			uint SELECT_TIME 256
			uint STORM_CHECK_SPAN 500
		declare ServerTraffic
			declare RecvTraffic
				uint64 BroadcastBytes 1473316
				uint64 BroadcastCount 4789
				uint64 UnicastBytes 376293529
				uint64 UnicastCount 477339
			declare SendTraffic
				uint64 BroadcastBytes 2946632
				uint64 BroadcastCount 9578
				uint64 UnicastBytes 1291804
				uint64 UnicastCount 20829
		declare SyslogSettings
			string HostName $
			uint Port 0
			uint SaveType 0
	declare VirtualHUB
		declare DEFAULT
			uint64 CreatedTime 1689571134483
			byte HashedPassword +WzqGYrR3VYXrAhKPZLGEHcIwO8=
			uint64 LastCommTime 1689571134482
			uint64 LastLoginTime 1689571134482
			uint NumLogin 0
			bool Online true
			bool RadiusConvertAllMsChapv2AuthRequestToEap false
			string RadiusRealm $
			uint RadiusRetryInterval 0
			uint RadiusServerPort 1812
			string RadiusSuffixFilter $
			bool RadiusUsePeapInsteadOfEap false
			byte SecurePassword bpw3X/O5E8a6G6ccnl4uXmDtkwI=
			uint Type 0

			declare AccessList
			declare AdminOption
				uint allow_hub_admin_change_option 0
				uint deny_bridge 0
				uint deny_change_user_password 0
				uint deny_empty_password 0
				uint deny_hub_admin_change_ext_option 0
				uint deny_qos 0
				uint deny_routing 0
				uint max_accesslists 0
				uint max_bitrates_download 0
				uint max_bitrates_upload 0
				uint max_groups 0
				uint max_multilogins_per_user 0
				uint max_sessions 0
				uint max_sessions_bridge 0
				uint max_sessions_client 0
				uint max_sessions_client_bridge_apply 0
				uint max_users 0
				uint no_access_list_include_file 0
				uint no_cascade 0
				uint no_change_access_control_list 0
				uint no_change_access_list 0
				uint no_change_admin_password 0
				uint no_change_cert_list 0
				uint no_change_crl_list 0
				uint no_change_groups 0
				uint no_change_log_config 0
				uint no_change_log_switch_type 0
				uint no_change_msg 0
				uint no_change_users 0
				uint no_delay_jitter_packet_loss 0
				uint no_delete_iptable 0
				uint no_delete_mactable 0
				uint no_disconnect_session 0
				uint no_enum_session 0
				uint no_offline 0
				uint no_online 0
				uint no_query_session 0
				uint no_read_log_file 0
				uint no_securenat 0
				uint no_securenat_enabledhcp 0
				uint no_securenat_enablenat 0
			declare CascadeList
			declare LogSetting
				uint PacketLogSwitchType 4
				uint PACKET_LOG_ARP 0
				uint PACKET_LOG_DHCP 1
				uint PACKET_LOG_ICMP 0
				uint PACKET_LOG_IP 0
				uint PACKET_LOG_TCP 0
				uint PACKET_LOG_UDP 0
				bool SavePacketLog true
				bool SaveSecurityLog true
				uint SecurityLogSwitchType 4
			declare Message
			declare Option
				uint AccessListIncludeFileCacheLifetime 30
				uint AdjustTcpMssValue 0
				bool ApplyIPv4AccessListOnArpPacket false
				bool AssignVLanIdByRadiusAttribute false
				bool BroadcastLimiterStrictMode false
				uint BroadcastStormDetectionThreshold 0
				uint ClientMinimumRequiredBuild 0
				bool DenyAllRadiusLoginWithNoVlanAssign false
				uint DetectDormantSessionInterval 0
				bool DisableAdjustTcpMss false
				bool DisableCheckMacOnLocalBridge false
				bool DisableCorrectIpOffloadChecksum false
				bool DisableHttpParsing false
				bool DisableIPParsing false
				bool DisableIpRawModeSecureNAT false
				bool DisableKernelModeSecureNAT false
				bool DisableUdpAcceleration false
				bool DisableUdpFilterForLocalBridgeNic false
				bool DisableUserModeSecureNAT false
				bool DoNotSaveHeavySecurityLogs false
				bool DropArpInPrivacyFilterMode true
				bool DropBroadcastsInPrivacyFilterMode true
				bool FilterBPDU false
				bool FilterIPv4 false
				bool FilterIPv6 false
				bool FilterNonIP false
				bool FilterOSPF false
				bool FilterPPPoE false
				uint FloodingSendQueueBufferQuota 33554432
				bool ManageOnlyLocalUnicastIPv6 true
				bool ManageOnlyPrivateIP true
				uint MaxLoggedPacketsPerMinute 0
				uint MaxSession 0
				bool NoArpPolling false
				bool NoDhcpPacketLogOutsideHub true
				bool NoEnum false
				bool NoIpTable false
				bool NoIPv4PacketLog false
				bool NoIPv6AddrPolling false
				bool NoIPv6DefaultRouterInRAWhenIPv6 true
				bool NoIPv6PacketLog false
				bool NoLookBPDUBridgeId false
				bool NoMacAddressLog true
				bool NoManageVlanId false
				bool NoPhysicalIPOnPacketLog false
				bool NoSpinLockForPacketDelay false
				bool RemoveDefGwOnDhcpForLocalhost true
				uint RequiredClientId 0
				uint SecureNAT_MaxDnsSessionsPerIp 0
				uint SecureNAT_MaxIcmpSessionsPerIp 0
				uint SecureNAT_MaxTcpSessionsPerIp 0
				uint SecureNAT_MaxTcpSynSentPerIp 0
				uint SecureNAT_MaxUdpSessionsPerIp 0
				bool SecureNAT_RandomizeAssignIp false
				bool SuppressClientUpdateNotification false
				bool UseHubNameAsDhcpUserClassOption false
				bool UseHubNameAsRadiusNasId false
				string VlanTypeId 0x8100
				bool YieldAfterStorePacket false
			declare SecureNAT
				bool Disabled true
				bool SaveLog true

				declare VirtualDhcpServer
					string DhcpDnsServerAddress
					string DhcpDnsServerAddress2
					string DhcpDomainName $
					bool DhcpEnabled true
					uint DhcpExpireTimeSpan 7200
					string DhcpGatewayAddress
					string DhcpLeaseIPEnd
					string DhcpLeaseIPStart
					string DhcpPushRoutes $
					string DhcpSubnetMask
				declare VirtualHost
					string VirtualHostIp
					string VirtualHostIpSubnetMask
					string VirtualHostMacAddress 5E-84-4E-49-44-7C
				declare VirtualRouter
					bool NatEnabled true
					uint NatMtu 1500
					uint NatTcpTimeout 1800
					uint NatUdpTimeout 60
			declare SecurityAccountDatabase
				declare CertList
				declare CrlList
				declare GroupList
				declare IPAccessControlList
				declare UserList
					declare tim
						byte AuthNtLmSecureHash THFN++bOk6V53sda7LMbNA==
						byte AuthPassword Tsm2d8+gjrCI4x98YiPUnnLqS2I=
						uint AuthType 1
						uint64 CreatedTime 1689602586204
						uint64 ExpireTime 0
						uint64 LastLoginTime 0
						string Note admin
						uint NumLogin 0
						string RealName tim
						uint64 UpdatedTime 1689602743973

						declare Traffic
							declare RecvTraffic
								uint64 BroadcastBytes 0
								uint64 BroadcastCount 0
								uint64 UnicastBytes 0
								uint64 UnicastCount 0
							declare SendTraffic
								uint64 BroadcastBytes 0
								uint64 BroadcastCount 0
								uint64 UnicastBytes 0
								uint64 UnicastCount 0
			declare Traffic
				declare RecvTraffic
					uint64 BroadcastBytes 1473316
					uint64 BroadcastCount 4789
					uint64 UnicastBytes 376293529
					uint64 UnicastCount 477339
				declare SendTraffic
					uint64 BroadcastBytes 2946632
					uint64 BroadcastCount 9578
					uint64 UnicastBytes 1291804
					uint64 UnicastCount 20829
	declare VirtualLayer3SwitchList

Posts: 1433
Joined: Sun Feb 14, 2021 10:31 am

Re: SoftEther Server and Manager on MacOS

Post by solo » Tue Jul 18, 2023 6:58 am

Enable VPN Azure and using a Windows SE client try to connect to your Azure address. If it works, we'll discuss next steps.
Btw, you can use VPN Server Manager remotely from a Windows or Linux/Wine PC.

Posts: 3
Joined: Tue Jul 18, 2023 3:10 am

Re: SoftEther Server and Manager on MacOS

Post by Tim » Tue Jul 18, 2023 9:11 am

Thanks Solo. I am not sure I am doing it correctly or not. I was getting this.

Code: Select all

VPN Server/DEFAULT>VpnAzureSetEnable Enable
VpnAzureSetEnable command - Enable / Disable VPN Azure Function
The command completed successfully.

VPN Server/DEFAULT>VpnAzureGetStatus       
VpnAzureGetStatus command - Show the current status of VPN Azure function
Item                         |Value
VPN Azure Function is Enabled|No
The command completed successfully.

Posts: 1433
Joined: Sun Feb 14, 2021 10:31 am

Re: SoftEther Server and Manager on MacOS

Post by solo » Tue Jul 18, 2023 11:53 am


Code: Select all

6.3.85 "VpnAzureSetEnable": Enable / Disable VPN Azure Function
Command Name 	VpnAzureSetEnable
Purpose 	Enable / Disable VPN Azure Function
Description 	Enable or disable the VPN Azure function.

VPN Azure makes it easier to establish a VPN Session from your home PC to your office PC. While a VPN connection is established, you can access to any other servers on the private network of your company.
You don't need a global IP address on the office PC (VPN Server). It can work behind firewalls or NATs. No network administrator's configuration required. You can use the built-in SSTP-VPN Client of Windows in your home PC.
VPN Azure is a cloud VPN service operated by SoftEther Corporation. VPN Azure is free of charge and available to anyone. Visit to see details and how-to-use instructions.

The VPN Azure hostname is same to the hostname of the Dynamic DNS setting, but altering the domain suffix to "". To change the hostname use the DynamicDnsSetHostname command.

To execute this command, you must have VPN Server administrator privileges.
This command cannot be run on VPN Bridge.
You cannot execute this command for Virtual Hubs of VPN Servers operating as a cluster.
Command-line 	VpnAzureSetEnable [yes|no]
Arguments for "VpnAzureSetEnable": yes|no 	
Specify 'yes' to enable VPN Azure. 'no' to disable it.
Maybe try to manage it via GUI from another PC on LAN/WiFi.

Posts: 3
Joined: Tue Jul 18, 2023 3:10 am

Re: SoftEther Server and Manager on MacOS

Post by Tim » Tue Jul 18, 2023 10:17 pm

Thanks. Will try.

I might try using dock image first to make things easier.

Thanks very much for the help.

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