Edit SecureNAT Firewall entry?

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Edit SecureNAT Firewall entry?

Post by chaoscreater » Sun Jul 02, 2017 2:13 am

When you enable SecureNAT, a virtual router with virtual NAT function will be created that has one IP address in the Virtual HUB. This of course registers an entry on your router/firewall as well.

For example, this is what I see on my router DHCP lease log (I've changed the MAC address for privacy concerns):

6d 23h 55m 16s AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF securenat-AABBCCDDEEFF

The problem here is that the entry's name contains the keyword "securenat". This is fine if I'm running the VPN server at home, but if I were to run the server behind a corporate network, I don't necessarily want this entry to be so obviously shown on the router/firewall log. Is there a way to change the SecureNAT name?

Furthermore, can I assign a static IP on the SecureNAT itself? I'm not talking about the virtual DHCP server settings or the virtual host network interface settings under SecureNAT configuration. I'm talking about the IP that is assigned to the SecureNAT, in my case (that's on the same subnet as my home network, assigned via DHCP by my home router). SecureNAT by default uses 192.168.30.x and this is NOT what I'm trying to change.

Initially I thought perhaps when SecureNAT is enabled, a virtual NIC on my PC would be created and I could go in there and change some stuff. But I don't see any additional virtual NICs, I don't know where SecureNAT gets created. I can ping, but as soon as I disable SecureNAT I can't ping it anymore. So I'm 100% sure the entry on my router's log belongs to the SecureNAT.

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Re: Edit SecureNAT Firewall entry?

Post by thisjun » Wed Jul 12, 2017 7:00 am

Please try to disable kernel mode SecureNAT in 'Edit Virtual Hub Extended Option'.

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