Very very slow...

Post your questions about SoftEther VPN software here. Please answer questions if you can afford.
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Re: Very very slow...

Post by shawn_d_wood » Sun Jan 17, 2016 11:40 pm

I'm having a similar problem. I've been working on this for over a month, with both Windows equipment and now Linux boxes - with same poor performance problems (I get terrible download rates at the remote site).

Main Location:
VPNServer - Banana Pi with Single gigabit-NIC, connected to the WIFI router for the LAN at main location. VPNServer is configured with a single VPN hub, using DDNS, listening on Port 443. Network at main site is, Static IP on the NIC ( with gateway of (router). Firewall opened to 443 for the static IP. Local bridge is to eth0. My ISP provides 100 mbps down and 25 mbps up - though I usually see better performance than this.

Remote Location (provides 2 networks, 1 that is 100% VPN to main location, other which bypasses VPN):
VPNBridge - Banana PI Router (on-board WIFI + 5 gigabit ethernet ports, using only 1 of the ethernet ports). Eth0 is DHCP connected to the original WIFI router for this offsite location. The network provided by the original WIFI router is 192.168.2.n, The BPI router is given an IP of and uses the original router as its gateway ( The BPI wan0 is configured as manual with no assigned IP address (I also tried it with identical results giving wan0 a static address of Wan0 is not bridged to anything. Eth0 is not bridged to anything. Softether is configured with a single local bridge to wan0. It has a single cascade connection to VPNServer (above). I've got compression and encryption turned off. I can ping devices both ways. But the download speed is simply awful. No NAT or DHCP is turned on. This ISP provides 8 mbps down and 1 mbps up.

From the VPNBridge location, I get 1 mbps up (uses full bandwidth), but a pitiful 300 or less kbps down (I did see it peak at 700 kbps at one moment, and occasionally steady at 400 kbps). All traffic is flowing, all broadcast messages coming through. Devices connecting to the VPN WIFI get assigned IP addresses from the main LAN correctly (192.168.0.n).

I also tested this with windows pc's acting as server and bridge - with identical results - on the VPN bridge side, terrible download rates, but uploads running at full bandwidth available.

I think the slowdown is on the VPNServer side - as the data entering eth0 on the BPI router (which is all coming from the VPN Server) is a fraction of what it is when I run the BPI router as nothing more than an access point. (as tests, running Netflix, when running through VPNBridge I would see typical 200 kbps on eth0 and netflix was running in very low resolution mode - but when VPNBridge disabled and it is just acting as an access point, I get full HD netflix and eth0 is pumping between 600 to 1.2 mbps, in fact I've run 3 simultaneous HD runs at once with no drop-outs while BPI router is acting as just an access point).

I've tried adjusting the number of tcp connections - between 8 and 32. I think I got slightly better performance at 24, but it's hard to say for sure.

I have a little more info. I used the windows network speed tool just within the Main location - windows computer acting as a test client. My speed is 300 kbps down, and 7 mbps up. Very similar to the speed results I'm getting at the remote site. My Bridge isn't active at all while testing this. So I am convinced something is wrong with the VPN server.

The document talks a lot about L2 loops - have I created one with the settings above???

Please help. I don't want to abandon this and have to learn OpenVPN.

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Re: Very very slow...

Post by thisjun » Thu Jan 28, 2016 8:02 am

What network path (bandwidth and latency) between server and client do you use ?
Please test throughput between server and client without VPN.

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Re: Very very slow...

Post by shawn_d_wood » Thu Jan 28, 2016 2:46 pm

I've tested this within a single network (to eliminate one of the ISP's as a potential problem).

In this test - I've got 100 mbps down and 25 mbps up from my ISP - verified countless times.

My softether server and bridge are both connected to the same router. The bridge is using the ddns name of the server, so the traffic between the two is flowing out into the internet.

My pings through the bridge to yahoo return slower than the same pings that aren't going through the bridge, but they aren't unreasonable (i.e. 20 millseconds slower when going through the bridge, with an occasional long ping).

A speed test (going through the bridge) has one time hit 1 mbps down, but it typically hovers around 300 kbps down. But it consistently runs at 5 mbps up. Doing the same speed test without going through the bridge (bypassing vpn) I get 25 mbps down and 18 mbps (or more) (I'm running this through WIFI, so I don't get the full 100 mbps down).

When I watch the softether server, while downloading it is pretty much idle. But when uploading, cpu usage jumps to 60%.

I can't figure this out. The path the packets are taking is essentially the same for upload and download (just going a different direction).

I've also trying reversing the roles of the 2 softether devices, with the same results.

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Re: Very very slow...

Post by thisjun » Tue Feb 16, 2016 6:56 am

How to measure the network throughput?
What protocol do you use?

And, please show ping result.
Some protocol can't get good throughput in high latency network or high packet loss environment.

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Re: Very very slow...

Post by shawn_d_wood » Tue Feb 16, 2016 1:29 pm

Running speed tests directly on the softether server, I see 200 mbps down and 25 mbps up - so it is smoking fast (using speedtest-cli).

Ping results to Yahoo return timings that are around 30 ms longer when going through the VPN (i.e. ping when not VPNed in coming back around 60ms, ping when VPNed come back around 90ms). I'll see an occasional long ping (300ms or so), but it happens very infrequently. I don't remember ever seeing a lost packet.

I've already spent 2 months messing with this.

So I'm giving OpenVPN a try - to see if it experiences the same lopsided speed issues (i.e. upload is 10 times faster than download). If it does, I can conclude that my ISP causing the problem.

I hope to have some conclusions next week - and I'll post whatever I find.

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Re: Very very slow...

Post by thisjun » Fri Feb 26, 2016 7:14 am

I doubt there is packet loop.
Could you check number of packets too high?

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Re: Very very slow...

Post by Mada » Sun Feb 28, 2016 8:02 am

I think different networks might handle softether traffic differently.

I had a lot of problems connecting over 3G connection. Got less than half the bandwidth (and it was eating up my quota). Never did solve that even with lots of help from the forum.

I am now on ADSL and softether works perfectly! Almost 100 % of the bandwidth available. Softether compression works also works well with this setup.

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Re: Very very slow...

Post by Mada » Sun Feb 28, 2016 8:55 am

I can also add that on a 1 GBps link I get 900/800 MB without softether and 640/640 MB with softether. This is on a i3-4160T with 1600 MHz memory over W10.

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Re: Very very slow...

Post by shawn_d_wood » Sun Mar 13, 2016 8:25 pm

Well I've finally had time to properly configure and test openvpn versus softether, and it's bad news for softether.

On the same two unix devices (one acting as server, one as the client/bridge) in the same exact configuration:

VPNServer - Download - maxed out at 1 megabits per second a single time for just a moment, usually ran at 300 kbps or less. Upload was always excellent at 10 to 13 mbps.

OpenVPN - Download - maxed out at 20 mbps, usually ran at 10 mbps or better. Upload at 9 to 14 mbps.

So, even though the upload rate is the same, the download rate is easily 20 to 30 times faster with OpenVPN!

This doesn't seem typical, as I've seen examples by others that softether outperforms openvpn. But something about my configuration / ISP / network just seems to turn softether download into a zombie.

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Re: Very very slow...

Post by wvalcke » Tue Apr 12, 2016 12:58 pm

The only thing i can confirm is that indeed my tests between 2 machines
one machine is server, the other is client
A VPN connection over the internet :

Transfer speed using SoftEther VPN : 30 KB/s
Using the exact same machines and same internet connection, but OpenVpn native server and client
Transfer speed : 250KB/s

That's almost 10 times faster for OpenVPN.
Although the doc states that SoftEther is faster than OpenVPN?


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Re: Very very slow...

Post by vwc » Fri Apr 15, 2016 4:29 am

Do any of the programmers look at this site? I've seen multiple posts about extremely poor performance, almost unusable performance.

Are we talking to the wind?

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Re: Very very slow...

Post by thisjun » Thu Jun 29, 2017 8:03 am

I think the cause of the problem may be in device driver.
Could you share the information about the device you have created localbridge?

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Re: Very very slow...

Post by jensgw » Mon May 28, 2018 5:53 pm

Hi there,

i can confirm the poor upload speed. We have a 100mbit/100mbit 20ms connection to the internet.
Running the softether speedtest over the vpn gives
From Client to the vpn Server - 8Mbps (
From vpn Server to Client - ~300Kpbs

I also tested the variant with a tap adapter instead of the local bridge. But the results are nearly the same.

Softether is an amazing piece of software, but this bug makes it nearly unusable.
Please fix this. If you need more information I am happy to comply.

Cheers Jens

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Re: Very very slow...

Post by thisjun » Tue Jun 12, 2018 8:19 am

>HamBam and jensgw
Please try to disable UDP acceleration and NAT-T.

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Re: Very very slow...

Post by Dwebtron » Sun Sep 30, 2018 1:43 pm

thisjun wrote:
Tue Jun 12, 2018 8:19 am
>HamBam and jensgw
Please try to disable UDP acceleration and NAT-T.
This absolutely fixed my speed problems, but only when using the SoftEther client. How can I also fix this for L2TP /IpSec protocol?

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Re: Very very slow...

Post by thisjun » Wed Oct 17, 2018 8:14 am

TCP isn't used for L2TP/IPSec.

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Re: Very very slow...

Post by dexyweescot » Fri Feb 01, 2019 8:42 am

thisjun wrote:
Tue Jun 12, 2018 8:19 am
>HamBam and jensgw
Please try to disable UDP acceleration and NAT-T.
Same issue as OP. Where is this setting? Im struggling to get a 1mb connection on 2 modems with 350mb Cable connections.
Last edited by dexyweescot on Sat Feb 02, 2019 8:42 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Very very slow...

Post by dexyweescot » Fri Feb 01, 2019 11:53 am

Found, still slow connection tho.

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Re: Very very slow...

Post by thisjun » Thu Mar 28, 2019 5:40 am

Could you explain your problem?
Because I have doubt that your problem isn't the same as before question.

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Re: Very very slow...

Post by postdan » Sat Oct 26, 2019 5:29 pm

I had problems with network browsing trough VPN connection. I found this: ... leshooting

This solved my problem:

11.1.5 I am getting slow transfer speeds when using Windows file sharing on the VPN.


When using the Windows file sharing protocol, making the following changes to the registry on the computer acting as a file server and restarting it can significantly improve communication throughput on a network with high delays. This configuration must be done in a registry editor. Only a system administrator or someone knowledgeable about computers should make these changes. Be sure to make a backup of the registry before making any changes.


Making the above changes to the registry and restarting Windows may improve the transfer speed of the file sharing server. If you do not understand the above information, please do not modify the registry with any registry editor.

After creating the 2 dword values and restarting the computer (windows 10) the connection is working good. I can open and edit document, copy them.
Before this it was a no go.

Hope it helps, I registered just to post this :)

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Re: Very very slow...

Post by xpaceseven » Tue Oct 20, 2020 8:20 pm

i'm also facing the same issue

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Re: Very very slow...

Post by desperados » Sun Nov 08, 2020 8:36 am

me too:
but I'm connecting from a Linux client (Mint 20)

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Re: Very very slow...

Post by gargmukul121 » Mon Nov 09, 2020 10:07 am

Damm even I am having a similar kind of issue, I have searched all over the internet and even have posted on number of threads on different forum, no solution seems to work. I am really frustrated, can anyone of you here help me resolve this issue, I am very much tired now.

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Re: Very very slow...

Post by desperados » Tue Nov 10, 2020 7:39 am

gargmukul121 wrote:
Mon Nov 09, 2020 10:07 am
Damm even I am having a similar kind of issue, I have searched all over the internet and even have posted on number of threads on different forum, no solution seems to work. I am really frustrated, can anyone of you here help me resolve this issue, I am very much tired now.
I'm using pfSense as firewall, it can have l2tp/ipsec and openvpn and link to active directory, so I'm thinking about change from softether to pfsense
this is the only help can I do, sorry

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Re: Very very slow...

Post by SuppeRabbit » Thu Dec 31, 2020 5:13 pm

I think the reason for the poor network quality of softether vpn is because it is over tcp. The tcp mechanism will lead to poor running VPN quality. I tried to connect to the softehter server with L2TP very smoothly; I also used openvpn, because openvpn has tcp and The two methods of udp are also very stuck in tcp mode. I think the author of softether has optimized the transmission mechanism of over tcp, but it still cannot change the problem of tcp itself. Therefore, VPNs such as ipsec GRE are all over udp, and openvpn also recommends using the udp mechanism. It has also been verified by many people.
Softether is a product with a good idea. I don't know if the author wants to change the default transmission mode of the client to over udp.

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Re: Very very slow...

Post by sky59 » Thu Dec 31, 2020 9:01 pm

What is a problem with tcpip?!
It works hundrets of megabitps.... Use powerful machine and good internet

You can use udp, softether supports it as it is!

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Re: Very very slow...

Post by gargvarun041 » Mon Jan 04, 2021 12:22 pm

I had a lot of problems connecting over 3G connection. Got less than half the bandwidth (and it was eating up my quota). Never did solve that even with lots of help from the forum.

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Re: Very very slow...

Post by sky59 » Mon Jan 04, 2021 2:12 pm

Have u opened champaign? You got 50% of original bandwith? What you want? 110% ?

Be happy! You have 50%

NOTE: your no-vpn upload is your vpn download speed !!!!!!!!!!! Use brain and think a bit

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Re: Very very slow...

Post by nobody12 » Thu Dec 16, 2021 7:39 pm

When I found out about Softeher about two year ago, I was amazed how well it performs compared to other VPN solutions. That does not mean it will perform well in all cases. But if SE performance is bad, other VPNs will most likely (from my experience) perform worse or equal.
If you have a good link at both sides a hardware supported IPSec will maybe give better results then SE. But in most situations where you are in a remote road-warrior situation IPSec will not work (and performance will be worse if you get it working). SSL VPNs like SE or openVPN will at least give you connectivity with an acceptable amount of effort.
But high latency or provider NAT/CGN and your CPU will always limit your speed. SE VPN server is at least able to use more then one CPU core for multiple sessions, but for a single user only one thread can be used. Peformance will then depend of fhe clock of your CPU.
You could try an unencrypted L2TP connection, that might give a better result, but most people will not like this.

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Re: Very very slow...

Post by ashwinjio » Tue Feb 15, 2022 2:27 pm

I am using chrome's latest version but the speed of the VPN is very slow. Is there a way to increase it? Few days ago it was very good and fast.

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Re: Very very slow...

Post by nobody12 » Sun Mar 06, 2022 7:57 am

what do you measure as the upload speed, and, how do you measure?
Btw. I would say a 20ms latency (ping time?) is a rather high latency connection.

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Re: Very very slow...

Post by agov0001 » Thu Sep 08, 2022 5:56 pm

I hope my experience helps someone.
I have a softether server on linux and wanted to ping the server too. Suggestion is to use dedicated NIC I did not want to waste precious ports. I created a linux bridge br0 and placed all my LAN nics under it. I created a veth pair and placed one end (veth_sebr) under br0 and used the other (veth_se) in softether for local bridging.

the result was I could establish connection, I could ping my server as well as other devices on LAN(br0) and could get DHCP and DNS requests on br0. unfortunately download speed was 0.5MBs while upload was about 6MBs.

after much trial I tried to turn off TSO and that returned download speeds back to 80MB on a cable link 100MB/10MB.
so my suggeston is try turning off TSO on you interface maybe it helps. I did it like this:
* ethtool -K veth_sebr tso off
* ethtool -K veth_se tso off

Ackey O
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Re: Very very slow...

Post by Ackey O » Sat Nov 05, 2022 11:14 am

Too slow, can't tolerate to wait for checking gmail through the fastest server available.
This is a fucking garbage, won't return any more.

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Re: Very very slow...

Post by solo » Sat Nov 05, 2022 12:00 pm

OK, bye, use a fking paid spyware instead.

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Re: Very very slow...

Post by vaccind » Wed Nov 30, 2022 5:31 pm

Do any of the programmers look at this site? I've seen multiple posts about extremely poor performance, almost unusable performance.

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Re: Very very slow...

Post by mjthelearner » Thu Dec 01, 2022 4:22 am

Have you disabled SecureNAT and using local bridge setup instead?

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