VPN Client Configuration Linux...!

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VPN Client Configuration Linux...!

Post by pirovaldes » Tue Oct 01, 2013 3:56 pm

I am trying to configure a Soft Ether VPN Client in Ubuntu 13.04... Here is the deal:

I have already configured the SoftetherVPN in a Windows 8 OS and the network interface con automatically configures itself by the VPNClient Manager Tool, uses dhcp, the interface is installed with higher priority... (By the way this soft also gives you a server list!!!).

Well now I am using Ubuntu 13.04 and I want to use this Softether VPN Client and have this problems:
1- NO IDE AT ALL: I installed and configure from console with no trouble... (hardwork taking into account that it's so easy in windows!), installed the virtual network interface, all with root privilegies...! in order to make it the easiest possible way I installed the Windows VPNClient IDE in wine and used localhost to be able to manage account settings (it can be done via network by first activating the remote managment), I exported the configuration from my Win8 and all the connection works all right, the program reports connected with no trouble at all... (by the way I am doing this from a network with a Microsoft ISA server Proxy with basic auth, surfcontrol included and the only https port i am able to use is 443)

Question: Am I able to have all the service of getting the list of hosts in linux?

2- Normally in windows after the connection is established all the networks reconfigure and you have free internet access, being able to ping www.google.com and getting DNS response without trouble from a console. In Linux seems to be more complicated... my question is

Question: What do I have to do next in order to make the conection work well???

Thanking in advance...

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