How can I assign a static IP to sstp vpn users

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Ahmed Latif
Posts: 1
Joined: Sun Apr 05, 2020 7:49 am

How can I assign a static IP to sstp vpn users

Post by Ahmed Latif » Sun Apr 05, 2020 8:53 am

I installed SSTP server and it works fine using username and password, I need to assign static IP address to clients based on their user name or their MAC address, how can I do that

Thanks in advance

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Joined: Mon Apr 13, 2020 8:08 pm

Re: How can I assign a static IP to sstp vpn users

Post by OliverTejada » Mon Apr 13, 2020 10:02 pm

SoftEther does not have DHCP reservation as a feature yet, but a workaround would be the following:

I assume you're using secureNAT's DHCP, right? if that is your case, you can simply set the Virtual DHCP lease limit to be 31536000 seconds, which equals a year, then Switch OFF/ON SecureNAT *Careful with this if you're managing the computer remotely using the VPN server* and if all goes well, each unique client will be given an IP address that will expire after a FULL year (which is long enough). If the server restarts for whatever reason, DHCP leases will be lost, and your clients may end up with a different IP address for a year again, that's the downside.

If SecureNAT's DHCP is NOT your VPN Clients DHCP server, you will need to grab the MAC addresses those devices are using to dial to your VPN server *NOT TO BE CONFUSED WITH DEVICE'S WLAN MAC ADDRESS*
Go to your Virtual Hub Management > Virtual NAT and DHCP server > Virtual DHCP server status

When you get the MAC addresses of your clients, write them all down into a notepad manually and configure whatever device your using as DHCP server to RESERVE these devices the addresses you need.

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