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MasterHUB - One2RuleAll with Layer3

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2023 2:02 am
by PizzaProgram
I'm trying to finish this project:
Sorry, I've red everything from manual, especially about Layer3, searched and red 100+ forum topics, etc... but still need help to solve the most important thing for my setup:

I'll have, let's say 100 equally separated HUBs,

Code: Select all - .50 - .70
... - .20
(they can not reach each other,) but I need a special one too:
- my "superuser MASTER-HUB" that can "reach" every each client from those other 100 HUBs.

Code: Select all - .20
1. This one will contain all of my own PCs and my android phone, and whenever I need to help a client, I need to be able to connect to any PC of any HUB immediately.
2. It would be even better, if those "sub-PCs" could NOT connect to my PCs (only I could connect to them... if that's even possible?
( With Packet filtering maybe?)

All of these HUBs will run on the same server.
Each hub will have active SecureNAT.

I do not want to add 100+ virtual network (TAP) adapters to my PCs, nor I want to: "disconnect -> search -> connect to an other HUB" each time.
So I think the only logical choice is: using Layer 3

But I don't know exactly how?
  • 3. Is one L3 switch enough?
  • 4. Do I need 100 Virtual adapter or 101?
  • 5. and 100 routing table? What should be the IP and what the gateway? or all ?
  • 6. I'll have to add under each SecureNAT configuration a "static routing table to PUSH" too? ... or the L3 switch does that for me automatically?
... sorry for the lots of questions and trouble I cause, but I'm desperate and need urgent help to finish this project within 2 days. :-(
Any help is greatly appreciated!

Re: MasterHUB - One2RuleAll with Layer3

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2023 7:46 am
by shakibamoshiri
unreadable content
please update/modify your question's content, make it clear, same font size and style

Re: MasterHUB - One2RuleAll with Layer3

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2023 9:31 am
by solo
Yeah, the readability is abysmal.

Anyway, all the OP's conceived ideas are sub-optimal. Here is a trivial solution to management of the humongous collection of VPN hubs:

- inst SE client + server on the same Win server
- only one virtual network adapter is needed
- run VPN-IP.bat before connecting to a hub

Code: Select all

@echo off
set /p sbn=Enter subnet: || set sbn=1
netsh interface ip set address name="VPN - VPN Client" static 10.10.%sbn%.2

Re: MasterHUB - One2RuleAll with Layer3

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2023 1:45 pm
by PizzaProgram
Sorry for the Large / Tiny fonts. Reverted back to normal.
(Strange, why you couldn't read it, it appeared perfectly fine on my FireFox.)

- The server will be on a Debian based remote VPS.
- I'll manage it remotely.
- I need to reach all clients from 4 PCs + 1 phone
- If a client calls, there is no time to:
  1. Search for the client manager program
  2. Check if my Virt. Adapter is occupied
  3. if yes > Disconnect
  4. search for the current HUB the client is in (scrolling through 100 HUBs in the list.. because there is no filter, nor Ctrl+F)
  5. connect to it... wait
  6. and only THEN click on the VNC ikon to see the client's screen remotely.
... not to mention if I have to work on 3-4 clients simultaniously, all from different HUBs.
(My work is seconds based, not minutes. Managing POS systems of 100+ pizzeria is not an easy task.)


I need help with the Layer 3 setup please! Need 1-1 permanent, stable connection from my devices where I can reach ALL my clients from all the HUBs.
(Even from my phone, if I'm not at my laptop or my developer PC.)

Thank you very much in forward.